Today was A Level results day and it made me realise quite how soon I go off to university (my countdown currently says 29 days 16 hours and 12 minutes)! I also finished my shopping today, meaning I have all my bits and pieces for my room and the kitchen I'll be sharing with my fellow flat mates. My favourite purchase has to be my saucepans, which are red and white spotty with heart on! I also love my JW duvet cover and my amazing bundle of stationary!
As well as the excitement hitting me an almost equal dose of nervousness has also been cropping up at regular intervals, mostly when something uni related happens, such as finishing the uni shop, recieving my final confirmation and setting up my student account, amongst other things. I'm not entirely certain how I'm going to cope for the first couple of days. The first time I went away without my family, when I was 8 or 9, did not go well, I cried as soon as it was time to sleep every night for a week. I'm sure I won't be that bad at uni (hopefully) but I know I'm going to find the first week quite hard at uni!
I'm lucky enough to have already spoken to a couple of people also starting this year so fingers crossed I may know someone in my flat and have a friendly face on moving in day!
All very exciting!
Ta ta for now!